THE RIGHT FORK OF NORTH CREEK (Top-Down Canyoneering Route)
Route Information Photos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
In the belly of the mysterious Black Pool. |
It's a cold but fun swim through the long narrow corridor. |
Soon enough, we reach the far side and can walk again. |
But around the corner, the water is starting to look and smell a little foul... |
Oh noes!!! (When life gives you wood chips, you make wood chip soup!) |
Rappel into another little slot section. |
Lovely deep colors in the swimming pool. |
The canyon opens up a bit and it's time to navigate the boulder field. |
"Don't just stand there, let's get to it; strike a pose, there's nothing to it!" |
An awkward little rappel/downclimb around a giant boulder. |
Pondering the beauty of this canyon! |
We now have flowing water at our feet. |
Continue to Photos PAGE 7!